All About Cardio

Most individuals performing cardio are using it as a way to burn off excess calories and since you are moving the body, it is going to increase the need for energy. Some forms are slightly better when strictly speaking of fat loss but all cardio, regardless of form will burn off calories. Since fat loss does depend on calories burned versus calories consumed it is a step in the right direction.

The reason to do cardio does not end with fat loss though; there are a wide variety of health benefits you receive from a regular cardio program.



The first one is an improved condition of your heart. Your heart is a muscle just like any other and in order for it to become strong it must be worked. If you fail to work it, it will weaken over time and this can cause a variety of negative health effects.

By getting the heart pumping at a faster rate on a regular basis you will keep it in shape and healthy. Too many people are getting winded just performing simple exercises such as walking up the stairs and the primary reason for this is because they are neglecting to work their heart muscle.


Another reason to perform cardio is for its effects on the metabolism. Along with speeding up your heart rate, cardiovascular exercise also increases the rate of various other processes in the body, also known as your metabolism.

Generally speaking, the more intense the cardio session, the more noticeable increase you will see with regards to your metabolic rate. Intense interval sprints (also known as HIIT) increase the metabolism; the highest with a process called EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption). An increased metabolism means an easier time maintaining your weight (or losing weight as the case may be).


Performing cardiovascular exercise also changes the hormonal profile in your body considerably. It releases 'feel good' hormones that will help ease symptoms of depression and fatigue as well as releasing hormones that decrease the appetite.

Individuals who partake in regular cardio exercise often have a much more positive outlook on life simply because they are getting the stress-relief benefits from these hormones.


Certain types of cardio exercise, usually lower, more moderately paced forms, can decrease your recovery time too. If you have just performed a hard session in the gym, hopping on the treadmill for a walk or light jog will help to remove some of the by-products that were created during the lifting session.

This will help to reduce your DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) and help bring more oxygen rich blood to the muscle tissue improving in the repair and rebuilding process. To you, this translates to your being able to get back into the gym quicker and work the muscles again.

Building muscle mass is a combination of an overloading stimulus and sufficient rest to allow the muscle to heal itself. If you skew this balance either direction, either working out too much or providing too much rest in between, you aren't going to get optimal results.

The more frequently you are able to work a muscle though (assuming full recovery has been achieved) the faster you will add additional new muscle. Cardio helps you do this. Just don't take this too far as excess cardio or cardio done at such a high intensity that it places additional strain on the muscles is going to actually hinder recovery rather than aid it.


Lastly, for those who have diabetes, cardiovascular exercise helps them manage this condition. By performing the exercise you will increase your muscle's ability to utilize glucose. Those who exercise regularly tend to have better control of their blood sugars and do not see as many blood sugar swings as those who don't. For diabetes this is increasingly important as they are extremely sensitive to changes in blood sugar levels.


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10 reasons to try SOULBARRE

It may look like ballet, but it’s not. SOULBARRE classes are simply ballet-inspired. Here are 10 reasons to try a barre workout!

1. Hard on muscles, kind on joints. The small, super-controlled movements that take place in barre classes reduce pressure on your joints, tendons, ligaments and spine. By doing barre regularly, you'll also notice a remarkable improvement in your core strength and posture. While a tight core will give you a taller appearance, it will also keep you safe from injuries.

2. No experience required. Everyone has different starting points, strengths and challenges, and instructors recognize that. If you are worried about not having any dance training or fear you won’t be able to ‘get it’ or keep up, rest assured that instructors will guide you through the movements and offer helpful feedback without singling you out. And, remember, each person can be challenged at their own level in class without affecting anyone else’s workout. Always measure progress against yourself; not the person next to you!

3. Be worked from head to toe. After each satisfyingly exhausting class, your entire body will truly feel WORKED. You’ll feel stretched, strengthened and invigorated. It truly does foster its own ‘barre high’.

4. Work muscles to failure. Barre's tiny motions, many reps, intentional squeezes and pulses (otherwise known as isometric moves) are designed to fatigue muscles to failure. Embrace the shaking as it’s totally natural for your muscles to quiver uncontrollably – it means you are exhausting that muscle and forcing it to tone.  

5. Modifications for every age and level. The beauty of barre classes is that everyone works with small movements and can limit or expand their range of motion to suit their specific needs. Exercises can always be modified whether you’re a beginner, pregnant or have an injury, but can also be amplified if you’re advanced and looking for more of a challenge.

6. Increased flexibility. Through focused stretching, an improved range-of-motion is one of the greatest benefits of barre exercise. Sometimes people are flexible but not strong, or strong and not flexible, so whether you can sit comfortably in a pretzel position or you’re stiffer than a board, barre classes actually teach your body to be both. Having flexibility and strength allows you to enjoy a longer, active life free of injuries.

7. Never boring, always fun. You’ll find that the time spent in class passes very quickly due to the fast pace, variety of exercises, upbeat music, ever-changing choreography and inspiring instructors. It’s never the same class twice!

8. Lost weight and inches. Many of the workouts target the largest muscle groups in the body, like the thighs and glutes. The larger the muscle, the more calories burned! As you continue to attend class, you will build more lean muscle mass and raise your resting metabolic rate, which can help you to produce more energy and expend calories. Perhaps more important than actual weight loss, barre classes will help you drop a size by redistributing inches on your body – making you appear (and feel) longer and leaner. If you pair barre workouts with a healthy diet, you will achieve even better results.

9. Greater range of motion and endurance for all other activities and sports. Barre classes target the core muscle groups that are neglected in conventional strength training, in a variety of interesting ways.For example, skiers and snowboarders may notice enhanced knee alignment, improved balance and greater quad and hamstring recruitment. If you’re a golfer or tennis player, you just may experience greater hip openness and movement allowing for a better swing. Runners can attain increased endurance, faster PR times and reduced impact on joints. 

10.  Rapid results. Yes, you will be sore after the first few classes, but you’ll also see some major results in little time – so stick with it! If you perform a barre workout 2-4 times weekly, you will typically notice changes in as little as one month. Changes may include an improved posture, thinner thighs, chiseled arms, a sculpted back, flat abs and a lifted seat. Barre classes are incredibly effective at transforming so-called 'problem' areas, especially for women.

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SOULBOX will soon be introducing another AIRful creation by Christopher Harrison! AntiGravity® AIRBarre

SOULBOX will soon be introducing another AIRful creation by Christopher Harrison! AntiGravity® AIRBarre

Our Master Trainer KD is heading to AntiGravity® Theater in Orlando, Florida to train at AntiGravity®'s International Instructor Trainers and update on new AntiGravity® courses to be introduced to SOULBOX members. While she is away please welcome our up and coming SoulBarre Instructors whom will be subbing these popular classes.